< SPEC >
TYPE : Suspend
LENGTH : 6.5cm
WEIGHT : 5.5g
HOOK : VANFOOK Treble Hook
FEATURE : * Max Range 1.5m * Swivel hook hanger system
HMKL Shad 65は、極めてタフな状況での使用を想定して造られたシャッドです。最大のポイントは、「よく飛ぶ」、そして「バレない」こと。
本製品は潜行深度の異なる2型(SR or MR)を展開しておりますので、戦略に応じてご選択いただけます。
HMKL Shad 65 SRは、4lbライン使用時において最大深度・約1.5mを潜行します。低速から超高速引きまでのあらゆるスピードで振幅の変わらないタイトローリングアクションと、安定した直進性を具えていますので、非常に扱い易いプラグに仕上がっています。タダ巻きもしくは早巻きにてご使用ください。
HMKL Shad 65 SR dives to a maximum depth of approximately 1.5m with 4lb line. It has a tight rolling action that does not change its amplitude at any speed, from low speed to ultra-high speed, and a stable straight-line action, making it an extremely easy-to-handle plug. Please use either normal retrieving or fast retrieving.
HMKL Shad 65 is a shad designed for use in extremely tough conditions. The most important points are to “fly well” and to “rarely miss the fish”.
The magnetic center-of-gravity shifting system, which moves almost all the weight backward, produces outstanding casting distance. And the use of a swivel on the hook hanger ensures a high probability of landing the hooked fish. Its movement has a tight rolling action and stable straight-line action with an unchanging amplitude at all speeds, from low speeds to ultra-high pulling speeds.
This product is available in two types (SR or MR) with different diving depths, so you can choose according to your strategy.