< SPEC > MAIN TARGET:Trout TYPE : Floating & Single Hook LENGTH : 4.0cm WEIGHT : 2.2g HOOK : VANFOOK Single Hook FEATURE : Max Range 2.0m K-II MINNOW 40 Fは、タフコンデションにおいて抜群の実績を積み重ねてきたK-IIミノーシリーズ中、体長40ミリとコンパクトな管釣り専用モデルです。 特長はスーパーデッドスローリトリーブにもしっかりと反応する左右への大きなウォブリングアクションと、バラシを大幅に軽減するスイベルフックハンガーシステム。 スローなタダ巻きを基本としつつトリッキーなロッドアクションにも対応し、更に一度かけた魚を逃しにくい本モデルは、エリアミノーイング入門用としても大変お勧めです。 < How to use > 基本的にはスローなタダ巻きで使いますが、トゥイッチやジャーク等でロングリップが生み出すトリッキーなアクションを織り交ぜても効果的です。 K-II MINNOW 40 F is a compact, 40 mm long model in K-II Minnow series, which has proven outstanding in tough conditions and is specially designed for managed fishing areas. Features include a large left-right wobbling action that responds well to super-dead slow retrieves, and a swivel hook hanger system that greatly reduces the risk of missing the fish. This model is based on slow retrieve, but also supports tricky rod action and is equipped with a swivel hook hanger that makes it difficult to miss the fish once it is hooked, making it a highly recommended introduction to minnow fishing in managed fishing areas. < HOW TO USE > Basically, it is used with a slow retrieving, but it is also effective when mixed with the tricky action created by the long lip by twitching, jerking, and the like.
HMKL K-II MINNOW 40 F (old price)
< SPEC > MAIN TARGET:Trout TYPE : Floating & Single Hook LENGTH : 4.0cm WEIGHT : 2.2g HOOK : VANFOOK Single Hook FEATURE : Max Range 2.0m *The price is the old price because the lot was produced before the price revision. ※価格改定前に生産したロットであるため、旧価格になっております。 K-II MINNOW 40 Fは、タフコンデションにおいて抜群の実績を積み重ねてきたK-IIミノーシリーズ中、体長40ミリとコンパクトな管釣り専用モデルです。 特長はスーパーデッドスローリトリーブにもしっかりと反応する左右への大きなウォブリングアクションと、バラシを大幅に軽減するスイベルフックハンガーシステム。 スローなタダ巻きを基本としつつトリッキーなロッドアクションにも対応し、更に一度かけた魚を逃しにくい本モデルは、エリアミノーイング入門用としても大変お勧めです。 < How to use > 基本的にはスローなタダ巻きで使いますが、トゥイッチやジャーク等でロングリップが生み出すトリッキーなアクションを織り交ぜても効果的です。 K-II MINNOW 40 F is a compact, 40 mm long model in K-II Minnow series, which has proven outstanding in tough conditions and is specially designed for managed fishing areas. Features include a large left-right wobbling action that responds well to super-dead slow retrieves, and a swivel hook hanger system that greatly reduces the risk of missing the fish. This model is based on slow retrieve, but also supports tricky rod action and is equipped with a swivel hook hanger that makes it difficult to miss the fish once it is hooked, making it a highly recommended introduction to minnow fishing in managed fishing areas. < HOW TO USE > Basically, it is used with a slow retrieving, but it is also effective when mixed with the tricky action created by the long lip by twitching, jerking, and the like.