< SPEC >
TYPE : Floating Topwater
LENGTH : 11.5cm
WEIGHT : 13.0g
HOOK : VANFOOK Treble Hook
FEATURE : * Weight transfer system * Feather hook (rear)
体長115mmのパワフルなダブルスイッシャー・W PROP 姫が、重心移動システムモデルとしてリニューアル。
W PROP HIME, a powerful double swisher with a body length of 115 mm, has been redesigned as a center-of-gravity shifting system model.
The obliquely floating landing posture ensures that it bites the water even on slow retrieves, and it stirs up the water loudly when jerked.
The newly equipped feather hook on the rear of the lure attracts the target even when the lure is stationary.