< SPEC >
TYPE : Sinking & Bottom Bumping
LENGTH : 5.0cm
WEIGHT : 2.6g
HOOK : VANFOOK Single Hook
リップの先端に搭載した樹脂タングステンウェイトが特徴的な、ボトム攻略専用ミノー・ZAGGER B1シリーズ。従来のファストシンキングというウェイト設定は、圧倒的なキャスタビリティと素早いボトムコンタクトといった利点を持つ半面、障害物の多いフィールドでは根がかりが多い、フォール中に喰らいつこうとする魚が追い切れずフッキングチャンスを逃してしまう、といった課題がありました。これらを克服すべくチューンアップを施したのが当モデルです。
製品の特性上、得意とするフィールドは比較的浅く(水深2m程度までが目安)障害物の多い釣り場です。深場でも素早くボトムコンタクトできるノーマルのZAGGER B1と組み合わせてご使用頂きますと、攻略の幅が一段と広がります。
より深い釣り場では、素早くボトムにコンタクトできるZAGGER 50 B1が適していますので、状況に応じて使い分けてください。
ZAGGER B1 series of minnows dedicated to bottom fishing features a resin tungsten weight mounted on the tip of the lip. The conventional fast sinking weight setting has the advantages of overwhelming castability and quick bottom contact, but it also has the problems that it often gets caught on roots in fields with many obstacles, and that fish trying to bite during the fall cannot catch up and miss the setting the hook chance. ZAGGER 50 B1 Half has been tuned to overcome these problems.
The weight has been reduced by reducing the volume of the resin tungsten weight to half size, resulting in lighter movement and a dramatic reduction in the snag, in addition, it is now possible to bring to set the hook even in situations where fish are not biting firmly.
The reduced fall speed also increases the chances of catching fish that are chasing the lure while it is sinking to the bottom after landing on the water. Furthermore, the responsiveness to rod action has been improved and the bottom bump minnow can be manipulated more freely than ever before.
Due to the nature of the product, the fields in which it excels are relatively shallow (up to a depth of about 2 m) and with many obstacles. When used in combination with the normal ZAGGER B1, which can make quick bottom contact even in deep water, the range of your fishing strategy will be expanded even further.
Use is bottom-pumping or drugging on the bottom. If the rod is jerked to create a line slug, the fish will dart from side to side.
Equipped with a normal half-size resin tungsten weight, this model is suitable for shallow fishing areas with a depth of about 2m and many obstacles.
In deeper fishing areas, ZAGGER 50 B1, which can contact the bottom quickly, is more suitable, and should be used according to the situation.