< SPEC >
TYPE : Fast Sinking & Bottom Bumping
LENGTH : 5.0cm
WEIGHT : 3.2g
HOOK : VANFOOK Single Hook
FEATURE : * Attached with rear hook only
ZAGGER 50 B1は底に効くエリア用ボトムバンプミノーです。当モデルの最大のポイントは、リップの先端に固定した樹脂タングステンと、ベースとなっているハイフローティングモデル・ZAGGER 50 F1の性能によって実現された、絶妙なウェイトバランスです。
< How to use >
ZAGGER 50 B1 is a bottom bump minnow that works on the bottom for managed fishing areas. The perfect weight balance, the main point of this model, is achieved thanks to the plastic tungsten fixed to the tip of the lip and the performance of the high-buoyancy ZAGGER 50 F1 model on which it is based.
On the bottom, the ZAGGER 50 B1 stands with its head down at a 45-degree angle, which is easy for fish to bite, and maintains a stable inverted position without collapsing at any speed or action. It also responds to rod work in a lively manner, which makes it possible to lure fish in a tricky way by mixing in a dart from side to side in addition to the basic bottom bumping.
It is characterized by good balance, standing head down at an angle of 45 degrees at the bottom, no matter what angle it is dropped from. It can be used by bottom-pumping or dragging on the bottom. It also darts to the left and right if you put out line slack and jerk the rod.
Bites are concentrated immediately after the lure lands on the bottom, so do not be in a hurry and set the hook the lure firmly.