< SPEC >
TYPE : Suspend
LENGTH : 6.5cm
WEIGHT : 3.6g
HOOK : VANFOOK Single Hook (thick shaft)
FEATURE : * Produced by Yuma Shigeta (from M.A.T)
ZAGGER 65 SP AREA ver.はミノーイング・プラッキングでBIGトラウトとの駆け引きを楽しむM.A.T 重田佑馬氏のこだわりをインストールした、サスペンドタイプのロングビルミノーです。
ボトムや物陰に潜む大型トラウト、ZAGGER 65 SPはサスペンド設定の為、じっくりとアピ ールすることがやりやすく、魚の目線から上でのアプローチをし続けることができます。
※水温により変化しますので、サスペンド具合はスナップやスプリットリングで調整してくだ さい
『AREA MINNOWING』 - M.A.T 重田佑馬氏 -
ZAGGER 65 SP AREA ver. is a suspending type long-bill minnow installed with the specialties of Yuma Shigeta (from M.A.T), who enjoys playing with big trout by minnow and plug fishing. It is set up to accommodate slower strategies in accordance with fishing conditions. This suspending model takes advantage of ZAGGER's maneuverability and is tailored to the water temperature range used by trout.
There are two points that work for large trout.
The first point is the ease of arbitrary range keeping. Large trout lurking on the bottom or in the shadows, ZAGGER 65 SP's suspend setting makes it easy to appeal to the fish slowly and keep your approach above the fish's line of sight.
* The suspending condition should be adjusted with snaps or split rings, as it varies with water temperature.
The second point is the ability to produce tricky actions at will. Particular attention was paid to weight balance to maximize maneuverability and stabilize underwater posture. As a result, the minnow responds sharply to rod work such as violent twitching and jerking without losing its balance, and can produce tricky actions at will.
Enjoy the action of the fish by reeling in with a mixture of twitching and jerking, and varying the action and speed.
It can be difficult to target large individuals, and to enjoy a style of enjoying unique and peculiar trout with a plug with a lip, but it is an interesting way to see the instincts and motor functions of the trout.
In ‘‘AREA MINNOWING’’, the angler uses colors that are considered flashy in controlled fishing areas, and uses ‘action’ to determine the depth from shallow to deep, the presence of obstacles and currents, and the range and course of the target fish species, such as where they hang out and which way they are facing.
It is a fishing method with a strong sense of satisfaction and achievement, and the real pleasure of being able to choose the size, species and wildness of the fish you want to catch."