< SPEC >
TYPE : Floating Topwater
LENGTH : 6.0cm
WEIGHT : 3.0g
HOOK : VANFOOK Treble Hook
FEATURE : * Yakougai plate inside
K-0 WAKE MINNOW 60は、ローリングアクションで水面に引き波を立てながら進むトップウォーターミノーのシリーズで、本製品はその最小モデルです。
最大の特徴は、圧倒的なロールが発生させる引き波。クランクベイトの表層引きとは異なる、K-0 WAKE MINNOWだけがもつ引き波は、「魚はボイルしているのになぜかルアーに反応しない」といった、誰もが一度は経験したことがあるシビアなシチュエーションの攻略に最も適したものです。バスのみならず、シーバスにも有効です。
K-0 WAKE MINNOW series are topwater minnows with a rolling action that creates an undertow on the surface of the water, this product being the smallest model.
The main feature of the K-0 WAKE MINNOW is the pulling wave generated by the overwhelming roll. Different from the surface pull of crankbaits, the pull wave that only the K-0 WAKE MINNOW has is most suited to capturing severe situations that everyone has experienced at least once, such as "fish are rising but for some reason not reacting to the lure". It is effective not only for bass, but also for sea bass.
The basic operation is a straight retrieve at low speed, but it is also effective when used as an insect lure with rod action.
They look exactly like weak little fish as they roll along the surface of the water. The unlikely topwater minnow is very effective on surface-oriented bass and, depending on how it is used, can be transformed into an insect lure. Particularly effective on rising bass and bass migrating in multiples.