< SPEC >
TYPE : Floating
LENGTH : 10.0cm
WEIGHT : 21.0g
HOOK : VANFOOK Treble Hook
FEATURE : * Silent * Circuit board rip * swivel hook hanger system
HMKL CRANK 100は、泉和摩がロール主体となる動きを追求したHMKL初の本格的シャロークランクです。
HMKL CRANK 100 is HMKL's first full-scale shallow crank, for which Kazuma Izumi pursued a roll-driven movement.
Its overall length of 100 mm is tailored to large baitfish that large bass prey on, and its dead weight of 21 g allows it to be used with normal tackle.
The lure's buoyancy has been increased to the limit of its class, making it less likely to snag and allowing anglers to aggressively attack shallows.